Burnt Norton I, Four Quartets, TS Eliot

Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future
And time future contained in time past,
If all time is eternally present
All time is unredeemable.

The Landscape of Loss touches on notions of loss, trace, time and memory, taking the form of an imaginary journey through a labyrinthian tangled thicket following a series of losses. In historical terms, at the centre of the labyrinth lie the oppositional notions of classical destruction or medieval salvation. In my imaginarium, as it happened to me, at the centre, the heart of the losses, lay the physical space of the family home severed from its roots of some sixty years. This work explores the impossibility of 'going back' in either time or space following loss, and uses the photographic to disrupt the ownership of history that death imposes by creating new narratives, and new memories. In a labyrinth there is only one way in and one way out; having faced your innermost world, in the end you only have one path, one choice; acceptance.

Originally conceived of and produced as a handmade one-off book. The images are not for sale.